Tattoo Removal
If you are regretting an old tattoo, tattoo removal can remove your ink and leave you with nothing more than a slight change in skin pigmentation. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of rumors and misinformation surrounding tattoo removal. Use this article as a reference for any questions you may have regarding tattoo removal.
Tattoo Removal Basics
The first thing to know is that the best results when removing a tattoo will come from a licensed physician (i.e. a dermatologist). While there are many laser clinics and spas that offer tattoo removal, only a dermatologist will be able to identify complications and know who is not a good candidate for tattoo removal. Not only that, dermatologist have tools that will leave your skin looking normal rather than random places that will use tools that can cause burning and scarring.
Patients who choose to have tattoo removal should know that it is a long process that can stretch on for a year or more. Sessions need to be set up weeks in advance and most tattoos require multiple sessions to fully remove them. For example, if you have a tattoo that requires 10 sessions and you schedule them every 6 weeks, you are looking at over a year of tattoo removal. While many tattoos may not take that many sessions, the weeks between sessions may be longer than 6 weeks. This time is so the skin can heal after each session. The process will uncomfortable, but our doctors can administer a numbing agent to help mitigate most pain.
How well does tattoo removal work?
The level at which tattoos are removed has a lot to do with the color of the tattoo. Black tattoos are the easiest to remove, green and blue are difficult, and white, yellow, and purple are nearly impossible to completely remove. Also the skill of the tattoo artist can make a difference. Professional tattoo artists tend to ingrain the ink more deeply into the dermis making it more difficult than amateurs who use single color, carbon-based tattoos that are placed superficially and easier to remove. Older tattoos are easier to remove because the tattoo ink has diffused to the top of the skin over time.
For more information on tattoo removal or if you are interested in starting tattoo removal, you can contact Western Maryland Dermatology at 301-777-7900 or visit us online at where you can chat with one of our reservation specialists.